I have listed a new property at 63 Boyd ST in VICTORIA.
An amazing opputunity in today's market. This recently rezoned property is comprised of Two yes two 34'x 100' lots with plans to build two 2800+ square foot, Zebra Designed homes. Rent or live and enjoy the existing home as you wait to decide when to start. The value here is the land and location. With the bonus of a completely livable 3/4 bedroom home. A one block street and only one block to the ocean. This James Bay location has all the amenities within walking distance and the bonus of being a quiet street. Buy and hold, buy and rent, buy and live in?? Live here and park the car, enjoy every moment of your time, walking, trekking, biking, kayaking, wind surfing, clubbing downtown, sampling all of Victoria's wonderful culinary attractions.